We are pleased to announce that as part of our inaugural season we have added a premium live streaming service to the championship offering, complimenting our existing extensive in-house social media programming.
Alpha Live will run the broadcast operation on our behalf as the widely respected experts in thier field for streaming service within motorsport.
Andy Barnes, Chairman of Club Time Attack (who run the championship) elaborates:
‘Over the past 20 years we have employed many different media plans from TV, internet, streaming, socials, videos and more to represent awareness of our sports for those that may not be able to attend in person and generally highlighting our championships.
We first used streaming when it was in its infancy but it didnt really convey the same excitement and professionalism experienced in person at our events so we moved away from it for the until it was a better overall solution available.
Now in 2025 it is clear that live streaming events from race circuits has improved on the tech side as well as the understanding of how to deliver programming that is both professional and interesting.
Therefore streaming features as a component of our overall investment in the championship offering to ensure we reach not only our existing core 18-35 year old demographic, but all touring car fans in the UK and overseas.’
The streaming service will appear throughout our individial social platforms as far and wide as possible and further specific details and broadcast times will follow during the year.